This occurred at the New Delhi zoo on Tuesday. E yewitness said that after the fall, the tiger gamboled curiously towards the youth. Maqsood, who eyewitnesses said seemed stunned after a 18-foot drop over the fence, stayed fixed to the spot as the animal drew closer. “We tried to throw sticks and stones at the tiger, but we could not save the youth,” the witness said. "It was only after the stones were thrown that the tiger attacked" After swiping at Maqsood once, the tiger killed him by crushing his neck with a single bite, officials said - Other witnesses said zoo officials botched any chance at a rescue by focusing on keeping people from seeing the attack. “Instead of focusing on saving that person’s life, the security was focusing on shooing away the crowds,” an unnamed woman told local reporters, according to CNN. It was not clear if the victim slipped or jumped into the enclosure, but witnesses said he ignored warnings t...