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Showing posts from September, 2014

A Hilarious Moment as a 5 year old Knocks Out Her Father

Picture: Dailymail He must be a proud father!

Babies Locked in Hot Car on Sunny Day

A woman rescued a baby who was left inside a parked car during a sunny day for 40 minutes. Picture source: Angela said "I felt like some people were scared. And they  didn't  want to be liable because the security guard was yelling that I could possibly be arrested for breaking the window". ‘The baby was red and looked uncomfortable. I don’t care if I get arrested I’m going to save this baby’ she added. - In my opinion she shouldn't even have to go the police station for this, the police should rather come to her with a reward. Here is s omeone who got arrested for doing the something similar, " she was dragged 75 feet down a sidewalk, slammed to the pavement, then handcuffed so tightly she suffered a separated right shoulder " ....  read more Locking children in cars is a daily occurrence, here is another instance where a skaters try to save two babies locked in a car.   Even though, these children we

Tiger Kills Student At Zoo

This occurred at the  New Delhi zoo on Tuesday.  E yewitness said that after the fall, the tiger gamboled curiously towards the youth. Maqsood, who eyewitnesses said seemed stunned after a 18-foot drop over the fence, stayed fixed to the spot as the animal drew closer. “We tried to throw sticks and stones at the tiger, but we could not save the youth,” the witness said. "It was only after the stones were thrown that the tiger attacked"  After swiping at Maqsood once, the tiger killed him by crushing his neck with a single bite, officials said - Other witnesses said zoo officials botched any chance at a rescue by focusing on keeping people from seeing the attack. “Instead of focusing on saving that person’s life, the security was focusing on shooing away the crowds,” an unnamed woman told local reporters, according to CNN. It was not clear if the victim slipped or jumped into the enclosure, but witnesses said he ignored warnings to say awa

"The iPhone 6 is Slightly Bending Beyond Repair While in Pockets"

"According to reports...some users claim that the bending occurred after normal sitting, while others say it was due to their active lifestyles. Unfortunately, it does not appear that Apple will replace these ...units at no cost. Some users are reporting that replacement costs are in the hundreds of dollars range." - 9to5mac   Source: 9to5mac MacRumors  highlighted the following forum post   from a new iPhone 6 Plus user: iPhone 6 Plus slightly bent after 2 days ...Yesterday, I left at 10am with the iPhone in my left  FRONT  pocket of my suit pants. I drove 4 hours to a wedding, which also involved a lot of sitting during dinner etc but also 2-3 hours of dancing. I left at 2am and went to bed, driving home 4 hours back. So in total, the 6 Plus was about 18 hours in my pocket while sitting mostly. As I lay it on the coffee table and sat down on the couch to relax from the drive (yes, sitting again  ), I saw the reflection of the window in the iPho

Two Year-old Had chopstick Removed From Deep Within His Brain

Photo: Mirror The 2 year old boy was playing at a friend's house in the Chinese city of Yueyang when he was  pierced by a chopstick as he fell forward. His father said  “I turned around and was shocked to find that the long stick had gone into his head from his nose.” It took four hours for surgeons to carefully remove the stick out of his head after it was  driven though the roof of his mouth and had gone three inches into his brain. Photo: Mirror Photo: Mirror Thankfully major nerves and arteries were not damage by the chopstick and the child,  Huang Zicheng  from Wuhan in Hubei Province, China, is expected to make a full recovery. Source:

9 Yr Old Boy Sang Gospel Songs Until Kidnapper Set Him Free

On the night of 31 March 2014, Willie Myrick, 9, was playing outside with his pet Chihuahua at his Atlanta home when he was grabbed by a man and forced into a car, according to police. According to a report by NBC affiliate WXIA-TV, not staying silent might have saved Willie's life. A gospel music lover, Willie, who just turned ten, reportedly began singing the song "Every Praise" until the kidnapper, who had been driving around for  nearly 3 hours, finally tossed him onto the streets and drove off.... Read more Here's Hezekiah Walker's uplifting song "Every Praise." Lyrics to "Every Praise" Every praise is to our God. Every word of worship with one accord Every praise every praise is to our God. Sing hallelujah to our God Glory hallelujah is due our God Every praise every praise is to our God. God my Savior God my Healer God my Deliverer Yes He is, yes He is Yes He is, yes He is [repeat] Every praise i

Woman pays $20,000 for third breast to make herself LESS attractive to men

(Picture: Facebook/Jasmine Tridevil) Jasmine Tridevil  spent $20,000 on surgery to get an extra boob. It was a bit of an uphill struggle for Jasmine, however, as she says she asked between 50 and 60 doctors but none of them wanted to do it because they would be breaking ethics codes. It took two years to save up for the surgery but it has now been finished, topped off with a tattooed nipple. She told   Real Radio 104.1 : "My whole dream is to get this show on MTV." Her mother and sister are no longer talking to her.  ‘I’m dumping every penny I have into this. If this doesn’t work, I’m through.' She denies that she had the extra breast put on to get fame and fortune. Jasmine added: ‘I got it because I wanted to make myself unattractive to men. Because I don’t want to date anymore.’-   While some have criticised Tridevil for her chasing fame, others have described her as “beautiful” and commented that she reminds them of the girl in the sc

Voting Rigging Claims: 70,000 Sign Petition Demanding Scottish Independence Referendum be Re-held - IB Times

A petition demanding the Scottish independence referendum be re-held "because it was rigged" has garnered 70,000 signatures in less than 24 hours. ....the petition calls for a re-vote because of "strange occurrences" that appear to show electoral fraud and vote rigging. The petition states: "Countless evidences of fraud during the Scottish Referendum have come to light, including two counts of votes being moved in bulk to a 'No' pile, 'Yes' votes clearly being seen in 'No' piles, and strange occurrences with dual fire alarms, and clear-cut fraud in Glasgow. "We demand a re-vote be taken of said referendum, where each vote shall be counted by two individuals, one of whom should be an international impartial party without a stake in the vote. .... Read more " - IB Times

Three Year Old Survives 11 Days in Siberian Wilderness.

Source:  DailyMail The little girl survived 11 days and nights on her own in the Siberian Tiger. Karina Chikitova survived by eating wild berries and drinking river water in a territory infested by wild bears and wolves. She was saved by her puppy who kept her warm for more than a week before leaving her side to retur n home to summon help... Source:  DailyMail “The family live far away in a remote village, not in the city, and it makes its mark,” she said. “She was raised close to nature and Karina herself is a very strong girl, has a strong-willed character. This probably helped her to survive.” Source: DailyMirror   How did she evade the bears?

Fight at Apple Store Due To iPhone 6 Shortages

"As disorganised store struggles to keep up with demand" a  "silly" fight broke out between customers who couldn't wait to get their hands on the new iPhone 6 at the Paris Apple store . Read more: Mirror The Telegraph

Guinea Ebola Health Team Brutally Murdered

sbs According to BBC News Africa , n ine members of a team trying to raise awareness about Ebola have been killed by villagers using machetes and clubs in Guinea, officials say.. The team disappeared after being pelted with stones by residents when they arrived in the village of Wome - in southern Guinea, where the Ebola outbreak was first recorded. A journalist who managed to escape told reporters that she could hear villagers looking for them while she was hiding. A government delegation, led by the health minister, had been dispatched to the region but they were unable to reach the village by road because a main bridge had been blocked..... read more Are people now so fearful of the heath team?  Could it also be because there are horrible stories  circulating  about how the infected are probably being  maltreated? I recently read a story about how an infected person in Liberia who left the quarantine centre in search of food in the market place.  

Scottish referendum: Scotland votes 'No' to independence

Pic:BBC Scotland has voted to stay in the United Kingdom after voters decisively rejected independence.  With the results in from all 32 council areas, the "No" side won with 2,001,926 votes over 1,617,989 for "Yes".  -  BBC News sore  looser ?

Angry Mob Throw Ukrainian MP Into Rubbish Bin

From the DailyMail Pic: DailyMail A controversial Ukrainian MP,  Vitaly Zhuravsky,  was unceremoniously thrown into a wheelie bin and pelted with rubbish after being targeted by an angry mob. Vitaly Zhuravsky, once a member of former President Viktor Yanukovich's ruling party, was seized as he walked past crowds outside the parliament building in Kiev this morning.  Footage shows a group of men screaming abuse as they grab Zhuravsky and bundle him head first into the half full bin. Zhuravsky, now a member of the Economic Development Party, authored a controversial bill in January severely tightening restrictions on anti-government protesters.  In the past, he authored a bill criminalising libel.  It came as Ukrainian MPs pledged to ratify a key pact with the EU and voted in favour of a plan to offer  the separatist eastern part of the country limited self rule. Read more:  DailyMail   

Man Accused of Cannibalizing Ex-Girlfriend

Police in southeastern Indiana say they believe a man charged with murdering his ex-girlfriend ate parts of her body. (Sept. 16) Source:

The Sleeping Burglar

Pic: Sarasota County Sheriff's Office This is yet another interesting story of a 29 year old intruder,  Dion Davis,  who was found sleeping in the bedroom i n Sarasota, Florida, by a cleaner who called police. When the police turned up, the accused was found sleeping next to a bag of jewelry of which he was seemingly intending to steal. He was so fast asleep that he didn't even wake up when the police was taking pictures of him. They believe he entered the house through the kitchen window. He was charged with burglary and is been held in custody on a $10,000 bail. Source: Sky News Did it take a kiss to wake him?

Litterbugs beware...

Litterbugs beware ,  The litter monitor is near. The litter vigilante strikes...

Microsoft buys Mojang and Minecraft for $2.5 bn

screenshot:  mobygames Mojang is an indie video game developer from Stockholm, in Sweden. It was founded not long ago, in 2009 by Markus "Notch" Persson. With his good friend Jakob Porsér, they realised their plan to start an independent game studio with their focus primarly continuing on Minecraft. In 2011, upon the official release of Minecraft, the company grew to 12 employers and had already started work on another game, Scrolls (yet to be released). By March 2012, Mojang had earned a net income of over 80 million dollars. -  Minecraft On his website  Notch explains the reason's behind the sale of Mojang and Minecraft  "I don’t see myself as a real game developer. I make games because it’s fun, and because I love games and I love to program, but I don’t make games with the intention of them becoming huge hits, and I don’t try to change the world. Minecraft certainly became a huge hit, and people are telling me it’s changed games. I never meant for it t

Man Allegedly Kills Girlfriend's Dog and Fed it to Her

I personally found this  (man bites dog)  news item funny and yet cruel; Police have arrested a California man after he allegedly cooked his girlfriend's dog and fed it to her for dinner. Watenpaugh's girlfriend (now ex-girlfriend) told the police he repeatedly struck her whilst they were dating and after on assult, she left her apartment and returned to find her Pomeranian dog, affectionately called "Bear", missing. Police say the couple briefly reconciled last week and Watenpaugh cooked the woman a meal and she ate it thinking it was like any other meal. But she told police he later texted her and asked how her dog had tasted. On Tuesday at around 1 a.m. she heard a truck pull up to her residence and she saw Watenpaugh walk to her house and place a mysterious object on her doorstep. When she went outside she saw two of the dog's paws outside the door.-  Dailymail Ryan Eddy Watenpaugh, 34, denies killing the woman’s Pomeranian, called Bear, and cla

This is Genius - "Give it up"

This person takes the work of amateur musicians on Youtube and then pieces them together to gets amazing results. I wonder how he got all the pieces to lineup in one key. "I would like to thank all the musicians that are in this project and to all of you out there for sharing your knowledge and talent on the internet. See the original videos that make this video In the list below.. some of the videos disappeared over time :( plz help me find and credit them . thank u" Vocals - Piano - Drum Roll - This video is missing :( plz help me find it . Bass - Drums Swing - Drums Beat - Electric Guitar - This video is missing :( plz help me find it . DoubleBass - Trombone - This video is missing :( plz help me find

GoTenna; Your personal Telecommunication Network

The goTenna enables you to communicate without any need for telecommunication Masts, cell towers, no wifi, no satellites—so when you're off-grid you can remain connected. In fact, goTenna will even work if your smart phone is in “Airplane Mode”! How does it work? Your smart phone will have to be paired with the goTenna device via Bluetooth-LE. When a message is sent the device shoots out the information via long-range radio waves (151-154 MHz) to the intended goTenna(s).   At the other end, the exact same thing happens, but in reverse: the recipient goTenna sends the message over Bluetooth-LE to the receiver’s smart phone app it's paired with. All of this happens in a matter of milliseconds .     "We do not need to be dependent on centralized industries for our communication, which is a very important part of our modern lives," - Levy source: goTenna